We provide smart people who are proven at finding creative solutions to complex problems. They will understand your overall programme and project strategy and objectives and ensure successful delivery.
Programme and Project Recovery
Failed programmes or projects can be very costly. They have an impact not only financially but also on brand and customer loyalty. Whether a troubled project ultimately succeeds or fails depends on the effectiveness of the actions taken to recover the project.
White Label Service
Service Providers who deliver project management as a service to the market require a dynamic pool of resources they can call on to fulfil their client requirements. They look for a dynamic resource pool that can flex up or down depending on demand. Our model for this service is heavily weighted to pre-assessing a team of people who could fulfil these requirements at short notice. We build role profiles with our clients which cover the various skills and expertise required in line with their service offering. All suitable candidates are then put through our assessment process, outside of any immediate demand for resources. This allows us to build a strong pool of project management resources that can be called on, as and when bids are won, and projects are ready to initiate. This gives us the pace we need to engage without having to go through time-consuming campaigns and assessments.
PMaaS – Project Management as a Service
Project Management as a service is a shift in the way we think about project management and how we do it.
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